Najnovejši prispevki
Vidiš li, ovo sam ja kao prah,
kao glina,kao trava koja sjemeni, morska zvijezda, nasad naranči u cvatu, crvena zemlja i grožđe na strmom vinogradu, smilje, kompjutor i napola potrošena olovka. Crveni ruž za usta i mirisni balzam za tijelo. Komadić begela i zatar umotan u papirić na ulici Mea šearima. Dobro me pogledaj! Da, ovo sam ja. S očima u kojima je tajni zapis o duši koja je već bila Gore i kojoj sam ostavila vrijeme i prostor da sebi pronađe zemaljsko tijelo. ispuni Prazninu. I tako sam nehotice skrojila novo Nebo i novu Zemlju. Ovo sam ja kad šutimo i kada se smijemo znajući da ne znamo što je zbogom i kada je samo doviđenja. Vidiš li, to sam ja, kada molim onako kako mole djeca vjerujući u potpunosti i bez ostatka. Istovremeno zvijezda i poniruća kometa u sobi u kojoj gubim ponekad pjesme pronalazeći sebe.
Can you see, this is me like dust,
like clay, like grass turning to seed, a starfish, a grove of oranges in blossom, red earth and grapes in steep vineyard, immortelle, computer and half-used pencil. Red lipstick and fragrant body balm. A piece of begel and za’atar wrapped in paper on the street of Mea shearim. Look at me well!, Yes, this is me. With eyes with a secret writing about the soul which has already been Up and to which I left the time and space to find an earthy body for itself. And fill the emptiness, And so accidentally I carved a new Heaven and a new Earth. This is me when we are quiet and when we laugh knowing we don’t know what is ‘goodbye’ and when it is only ‘see you’. Can you see, this is me praying the way children pray, believing completely and no remnants. At the same time, a star and a sinking comet in the room where I sometimes lose poems finding myself.
Moja zarobljena slika o sebi
jutros je ispala iz okvira i potrčala tebi, zaboravivši na svih deset sfirot i 22 hebrejska slova. Podigni me nježno i nekud skloni dok snivam nezaštićena među korijenjem Stabla života. |
My trapped picture about myself
dropped out of the frame this morning and ran to you, forgetting about all ten sfirot and 22 Hebrew letters. Lift me gently and hide me somewhere while I am dreaming unprotected between the roots of the Tree of life. |
Ti i ja nismo par.
Savršeno nesavršeni Gospodaru svemira, Smiluj se duši koja ima krila. I ne miruje. Pa ti mene pronađi u duši onog u kojem prebivam. |
You and I are not a couple.
Perfectly imperfect master of the universe, take pity on the soul which has wings. And is not quiet. And now you find me in the soul of him in whom I reside. |
Ja samo živim sebe u
tkanju dana i noći. Od mene bit će što biti mora, više od onog što sam izrekla. Čuvajući tuđe živote čuvala sam svoje korijene. Od malhuta do ketera trebalo je proći 32 staze mudrosti i spoznati kroz vlastito srce, bez Maxa Plancka I Gershoma Scholema, da svjetlost duše najbrže putuje. |
I only live myself in
the web of day and night. From me will be what has to be, more than I have uttered. Preserving other lives I preserved my own roots. From malhout to keter one had to pass 32 paths of wisdom and realize through one’s own heart, without Max Planck and Gerschom Scholem that the light of the soul travels fastest. |
Vidiš li, ovo sam ja kao prah,
kao glina,kao trava koja sjemeni, morska zvijezda, nasad naranči u cvatu, crvena zemlja i grožđe na strmom vinogradu, smilje, kompjutor i napola potrošena olovka. Crveni ruž za usta i mirisni balzam za tijelo. Komadić begela i zatar umotan u papirić na ulici Mea šearima. Dobro me pogledaj! Da, ovo sam ja. S očima u kojima je tajni zapis o duši koja je već bila Gore i kojoj sam ostavila vrijeme i prostor da sebi pronađe zemaljsko tijelo. ispuni Prazninu. I tako sam nehotice skrojila novo Nebo i novu Zemlju. Ovo sam ja kad šutimo i kada se smijemo znajući da ne znamo što je zbogom i kada je samo doviđenja. Vidiš li, to sam ja, kada molim onako kako mole djeca vjerujući u potpunosti i bez ostatka. Istovremeno zvijezda i poniruća kometa u sobi u kojoj gubim ponekad pjesme pronalazeći sebe.
Can you see, this is me like dust,
like clay, like grass turning to seed, a starfish, a grove of oranges in blossom, red earth and grapes in steep vineyard, immortelle, computer and half-used pencil. Red lipstick and fragrant body balm. A piece of begel and za’atar wrapped in paper on the street of Mea shearim. Look at me well!, Yes, this is me. With eyes with a secret writing about the soul which has already been Up and to which I left the time and space to find an earthy body for itself. And fill the emptiness, And so accidentally I carved a new Heaven and a new Earth. This is me when we are quiet and when we laugh knowing we don’t know what is ‘goodbye’ and when it is only ‘see you’. Can you see, this is me praying the way children pray, believing completely and no remnants. At the same time, a star and a sinking comet in the room where I sometimes lose poems finding myself.
Moja zarobljena slika o sebi
jutros je ispala iz okvira i potrčala tebi, zaboravivši na svih deset sfirot i 22 hebrejska slova. Podigni me nježno i nekud skloni dok snivam nezaštićena među korijenjem Stabla života. |
My trapped picture about myself
dropped out of the frame this morning and ran to you, forgetting about all ten sfirot and 22 Hebrew letters. Lift me gently and hide me somewhere while I am dreaming unprotected between the roots of the Tree of life. |
Ti i ja nismo par.
Savršeno nesavršeni Gospodaru svemira, Smiluj se duši koja ima krila. I ne miruje. Pa ti mene pronađi u duši onog u kojem prebivam. |
You and I are not a couple.
Perfectly imperfect master of the universe, take pity on the soul which has wings. And is not quiet. And now you find me in the soul of him in whom I reside. |
Ja samo živim sebe u
tkanju dana i noći. Od mene bit će što biti mora, više od onog što sam izrekla. Čuvajući tuđe živote čuvala sam svoje korijene. Od malhuta do ketera trebalo je proći 32 staze mudrosti i spoznati kroz vlastito srce, bez Maxa Plancka I Gershoma Scholema, da svjetlost duše najbrže putuje. |
I only live myself in
the web of day and night. From me will be what has to be, more than I have uttered. Preserving other lives I preserved my own roots. From malhout to keter one had to pass 32 paths of wisdom and realize through one’s own heart, without Max Planck and Gerschom Scholem that the light of the soul travels fastest. |