One of the authors that is mentioned most often and is also brilliantly commented upon by Sergei Averintsev in his “Poetics of the Early Byzantine Literature” is Dionysius Areopagite. This is no coincidence. Dionysius, or
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be part of this symposium also by presenting this contribution. It will be far from those clear-cut philosophical approaches we enjoyed yesterday. It will lack much of
In my short contribution to the debate on the relationship between Antiquity and Christianity, I want to present an intentionally radicalized view about some key differences between the two subjects under discussion. This further evolves
Pavle Rak I would like to underline one question which was touched in two contributions during this afternoon and that is: what is /the/ faith and what does the almighty God want from us? Sometimes
Université catholique de Louvain Résumé Cet article examine la place que Chestov accorde à la question de la religion dans son interprétation existentielle de la phénoménologie de Husserl et procède, pour ce faire, en deux
Summary The article attempts to analyse the text by Emanuel Levinas focussing on Shestov’s book “Kierkegaard et la philosophie existentielle (Vox clamantis in deserto)”, published in 1937 in Revue des études juives, II, July-December 1937,
Summary The paper discusses the concept of groundlessness in Shestov’s thought within the framework of the dichotomy between Athens and Jerusalem, or reason and faith, which marks Shestov’s late work. Groundlessness emerges when rational truths
State University of Sankt-Petersburg Summary The contribution presents contemplations based on Shestov‘s thoughts on groundlessness. When thinking loses the ground under its feet, says Shestov, the horizon of »divine groundlessness« opens up. This means that
Although this is a scientific symposium, I will risk a totally non-scientific approach (I am not pretending to objectiveness or to a complete knowledge of scientific literature about Shestov...), namely: I will base my contribution
From Daring Uncoverings of the Groundlessness of Thought to Tremendous Revelations of Death What is philosophy? And what is its task? Jésus sera en agonie jusqu’à la fin du monde: il ne faut pas dormir