ali: Bog me ni poklical, da bi bila uspešna, ampak da bi bila zvesta Mati Tereza bi bila 27. avgusta 2010 stara sto let. Legenda krščanske karitativne dejavnosti dvajsetega stoletja. Ustanoviteljica reda misijonarke ljubezni
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be part of this symposium also by presenting this contribution. It will be far from those clear-cut philosophical approaches we enjoyed yesterday. It will lack much of
Symposium »Groundlessnesses: Lev Shestov between Literature, Religion and Philosophy« Ljubljana, May, 12, 2005 Whatever does not proceed from faith is sin (Rom 14:23) What fascinated me most when I met Shestov’s texts, or what did
Ob simpoziju » Breztalnosti: Lev Šestov med literaturo, religijo in filozofijo« 12. maja 2005 v Ljubljani Vse kar ni iz prepričanja (iz vere) je greh (prim. Rimlj 14,23), kar pa še ne pomeni, da je
(Symposium on different interpretations of genesis of the world, organised by CAS Logos in the frame of Forum Orient-Occident, Ljubljana, May 2003) A fiendly Good morning to each and everyone of You! We all have
(Simpozij o različnih razlagah nastanka sveta, ki ga je KUD Logos organiziral v okviru Foruma Orient-Occident v Ljubljani maja 2003 / Symposium on different interpretations of genesis of the world, organised by CAS Logos in