• In his foreword to the Italian (and my Slovene) translation of the essay "Spiritual Foundations of Life", Olivier Clément wrote: "Soloviev is truly a theologian (or religious philosopher) of modernity, which he transforms into postmodernity".

  • Olivier Clément je v kratkem uvodu k italijanskemu (in slovenskemu) prevodu spisa »Duhovne osnove življenja« zapisal: »Solovjov je resnično teolog (ali religiozni filozof) modernosti, ki jo preobraža v postmodernost«. Z ozirom na to, da ni

  • Riconoscersi creatura L’incontro tra il pensiero dell’Occidente e dell’Oriente europeo non è che agli inizi. A poco più di un decennio di distanza dalla caduta del muro di Berlino molto lavoro è stato fatto per

  • Identifying ourselves as God’s Creatures Western and Eastern European thought have just begun to find a meeting point. Just a few years more than a decade have passed since the fall of the Berlin wall;

  • The American administration described the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon as the act of war. Various experts promptly provided us with the explanation that the "new" terrorism differs from the "old"