• Summary The paper discusses the concept of groundlessness in Shestov’s thought within the framework of the dichotomy between Athens and Jerusalem, or reason and faith, which marks Shestov’s late work. Groundlessness emerges when rational truths

  • Although this is a scientific symposium, I will risk a totally non-scientific approach (I am not pretending to objectiveness or to a complete knowledge of scientific literature about Shestov...), namely: I will base my contribution

  • From Daring Uncoverings of the Groundlessness of Thought to Tremendous Revelations of Death What is philosophy? And what is its task? Jésus sera en agonie jusqu’à la fin du monde: il ne faut pas dormir

  • Our intention today is to speak about »the beginning of things«. When I was invited to participate in a conference on this topic, I accepted the task of discussing the creation of the world in

  • I have a dislike for churches, mosques or synagogues transformed into museums or exhibition areas. In such quasi-sublime presentations of works of art, I sense a kind of continuation of the venture of transforming a