• Identifying ourselves as God’s Creatures Western and Eastern European thought have just begun to find a meeting point. Just a few years more than a decade have passed since the fall of the Berlin wall;

  • EASTER MONDAY In fact, they are small when they fly from the flame to the grass and their life lasts no more than a breath, like the stars that are seen for a second, and

  • VELIKONOČNI PONEDELJEK Pravzaprav so majhne, ko preskočijo iz plamena v travo in njihova doba ni daljša od vdiha, podobna zvezdam, ki jih vidimo, a jih ni več. In vendar je vesolje krožno in gotovo se

  • The American administration described the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon as the act of war. Various experts promptly provided us with the explanation that the "new" terrorism differs from the "old"

  • Napad na Svetovni trgovinski center in Pentagon je ameriška administracija kmalu proglasila za vojno dejanje. Analitiki so pohiteli s pojasnili, da se »novi« terorizem razlikuje od »starega« prav po tem, da hoče doseči srhljive učinke,